How to Create a Fold-Out Vision Board for Your Journal

A vision board is a large piece of paper or poster board for you to dream on.  It contains all of the things you want in your life and can be a powerful motivator for change.  And I found a great way to create one of these for your journal, instead of trying to find a space big enough in our home to house your board.  This can be for your bullet journal, organizer, commonplace book, or any type of book or journal you like to keep.  

It's four sheets of printer paper, taped together on the back (I used washi tape) with each piece of paper being a section of my board.  And it fits so snugly in, you barely notice the added bulk when the book is shut.  

Here is how you do it.  

Step One: 

Tape your pieces together on the back and the front with washi tape like this: 

This creates for distinct areas for your board so you can separate your ideas.  Though you can make it all one or separate it into more parts, if you like.  

Step Two: 

Fold your paper to fit inside of your book pages.  

Hold up your paper to your book from the bottom left corner (or right if you want it to fold out the opposite way), and mark lightly with a pencil where the top of the of the fold should go.  Like this: 

Next, fold from the top going up, like this: 

Next, fold from the top down again, this time, matching the fold at the top of the vision board paper.  Like this: 

Now we're going to fold the right side inwards, then back again, and then keep going until it fits.  Just do this in an accordion fashion to make it fit properly.  Like so: 

Step Three: 

Now, unfold the paper and create your vision board.  You do not create the board before folding, because folding may mess up your glue and you do not glue it in before creating it, because that would just be awkward and would not really world.  So, now you can go grab some magazines and cut out phrases, words, pictures, or anything you like and glue them in with glue sticks or double sided sticky tape.  Here is mine from 2018 (that I made for the 2019 new year instead of resolutions): 

Here are the four sections: 

I was lucky and created this one during December of 2018 when a bunch of magazines I had were all about creating resolutions, which was what the purpose was.  But your purpose could be for anything, so find some great magazines that fit your needs.  When you're done, let it dry for a bit and then we'll glue it in.

Step Four

Glue it in on the bottom/back of the vision board to the page in your book.  I suggest a good quality glue stick to do this so it doesn't come off soon after.  As you can see, some of the words are falling off my vision board, so when this happens, I just grab some clear tape and put it on top of the words that are loose.  No, it's not archival tape, but this vision board isn't meant to last forever.  Though, it's 2021 and none of it has yellowed, so that's a good thing.  

And that's it!!  You're done!  So easy, right?  And you can use this technique for not only vision boards, but anything you want to add to your journal or bullet journal!  

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