Can I just say, I am a total Netflix junkie, a connoisseur of TV shows, a Hulu Harlot (get it? Harlots is on Hulu! Ha!), and a Prime queen....the only thing I don't actually use is regular cable (as it's WAY too expensive for shows I won't even watch).
So this week, I am going to share with you my top 10 TV shows as of current (this always changes as I find new shows to binge on). I hope you try some out if you haven't seen them already and find something you love!
Without further adieu, here are my top 10 current favorite shows!
10. Glee
I know I am late to the game with this one, but I've recently found out how amazing this show is. I don't think anyone can deny how amazingly funny Jane Lynch is. And on top of that, the talent of everyone who sings on this show is out of this world! The whole show is great, and I doubt anyone reading this hasn't seen it yet, but if you haven't, start now!
9. Harlots
This is a new show from Hulu, and stars Downton Abbey's Lady Sybil Crawley (whom I love and won't say any spoilers for anyone who hasn't seen Downton Abbey yet--watch it! It's amazing!). And I am in love! Yes, it's raunchy, cray, and fun, but it's also sweet and tells an amazing story, too. If you haven't seen it yet, then get on it! Just make sure the kids aren't in the room when you watch it....
8. Sense 8
Whoever thought of this show is a freaking genius! It's one of my ALL-TIME favorites and I cannot wait for season two! It's about a group of 8 people who are psychically linked and can see through each other's eyes and visit each other when they want to (and they live all over the world!). It's super bad ass!
7. 13 Reasons Why
I own this book and haven't read it yet. I am glad I waited, because I got see the show first. And if you're reading a book, always watch the movie/show doesn't spoil the book that way. I've heard that both are equally as great (though different). So, my next move is to get reading the book! The show was utterly human and an extremely accurate portrayal of the teenage experience. Having lost a friend to suicide myself, I thought this would bother me more, but it was very different from my own experience. My son (who's 15) and I watched it and discussed it (we discuss everything we watch, in this family!) and we both really, really liked this show.
6. The OA
I will repeat myself, whoever invented this show is a genius! What in the holy hell? How did someone even come up with this idea?? Science fiction at it's best! And everyone who's ever seen this show loves it, so if you haven't yet...what are you waiting for??
5. Shameless
I am from near Chicago, so this show takes place close my hometown. And growing up, well, let's just say my home life was a tiny bit similar 😏 haha! I love this show so much and I am sad right now that it's not got the current season on Netflix yet (and on Prime it costs money!), so I am waiting! If you haven't seen it, watch it! Though, like Harlots, leave the kids in their own rooms when you do LOL
4. The Walking Dead
Let me be the first to tell you I don't like horror movies. Gross stuff, well, grosses me out. BUT, there is something about this show that makes you ignore all that zombie-eating-flesh business, and turns you on towards the plight of the characters. Like a soap opera, a lot of people die. Unlike a soap opera, nobody comes back (well, yes they eat your body!). The story line beats out the horror parts a billion to one, to make this show okay to watch, even for the most squeamish of people.
3. The 100
This is mine and my youngest son's go to show. It's exciting. It's fun. It's believable. Another sci-fi awesomeness!
2. Pretty Little Liars
Haha I am such a girl! I really love this show, but it's a tooootal soap opera! If you want believability? Don't watch it. Sometimes my boys will laugh at the absurdity that goes on with these girls, but I don't care! It's too fun for actual facts to matter! (Like the fact that an 18 year old boy became a police officer LOL! But if you want silly fun and lots of crazy antics, then this your jam!
1. Haven
Ohhhhh yeah. My hubby and I loves us some Haven! It's our favorite show right now, though we are just starting the last part of the last season and we're uber sad it will all be over soon, but that doesn't mean we can't start over from season 1 again! I mean, who doesn't want to see sexy Eric Balfour be sexy in his sexiness?? I mean, that's not why my hubby likes the show, but it sure makes it awesome for me! LOL Well, that, and the awesome storyline 😁 Though Nathan's character pisses me off most episodes (like, why is he always mad at Duke for no reason?), but the rest of it is really fun! And it's based on the Stephen King novel "The Colorado Kid" (which is what my hubby and I are reading right now).
Here are some that I watch, that didn't make my top 10, but are still just as awesome (you should check them all out!):
Honorable Mentions:
Stranger Things
The Ranch
Jane the Virgin
Orange is the New Black
Bob's Burgers
What's on your top ten list of favorite shows right now? Share with me below!