Weekly Blogger Spotlight : Samantha Lee

This week's blogger spotlight is Samantha Lee from Wonderland Sam!!  
She's all about living an intentional, creative, and healthy life – because after all, we’ve only got one 😏  She uses her wardrobe as a creative outlet, tries to travel as much as she can, and focuses on taking care of herself– both mind and body. You’ll find all of that around there plus the occasional DIY and lots of pretty pictures!  Want to know more about Sam and what she's about?  Then read on:

Why did you decide to create your blog?

I first created my blog because I've always been passionate about photography, writing, and memory saving. It started as an online journal for my life post-college - documenting my travels and daily life (you know, stuff only my mom would read ;)). It has now evolved to be much more streamlined and intentional to reach a larger audience and grow as a brand, Wonderland Sam

What do you love about blogging?

The thing I love most about blogging is that I have complete control over my content and brand. As an actress, it's often easy to feel like I have little control in my career, but blogging gives me just that. It's like I've been handed the reins as editor of my own online magazine, and I can fuel my creativity in so many different ways - from fashion styling, producing videos, and essay writing. It has also been so much fun to meet online blogger friends in real life and to collaborate with some cool brands. 

Who are your heroes in life?

I've always looked up to my mother, who has gone through her own struggles - one being that of a single mom - and has made it out on top. She works harder than just about anyone I know, and yet she has never lost her appreciation of life. And she has always wholeheartedly supported my dreams. 

What is one of your ultimate goals in life?

As cheesy as it sounds, my biggest goal in life is to live a happy one. That means celebrating even the seemingly mundane things of daily life, as well as getting out and exploring all the world has to offer. The travel bug has really hit me hard this past year; there is just so much of this world I want to experience, and I've only seen a tiny, tiny portion of it. 

If you could give one piece of advice to those you blog for, what would it be?

"You can do anything but not everything." It's easy, especially in this online world, to feel bogged down by all of the amazing content and things people are doing. But if you're realistic with yourself, you'll know that none of these people are doing EVERYTHING. It's just not humanly possible. So find what YOU love, what fuels YOUR happiness, and focus on that.
I'm a Los Angeles based actress striving to live an intentional, creative, and healthy life - because we've only got one. On my site you'll find experiments with personal style, documentation of my travels, and essays encouraging wellness - both mental and physical.  You can check me out on Wonderland Sam!   

Would you like to be featured on the weekly blogger spotlight?  Then message me on Facebook here!

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  1. Thank you so much JaLynn for the feature! I really appreciate it. :)

